Welcome to Maryn Everett and Family

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited to share a site with our friends and family where you can watch our family grow and create wonderful memories!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Roll Tide Roll!!!!

Roll Tide Roll!!!!!!!
The Connor Family attended their first Alabama Crimson Tide tailgating experience Ocotber 24, 2009! Maryn did great and we all had a blast!!!!!!!

Cutest Bama girl...ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aunt Mollie and Maryn~ ready to go cheer for BAMA!!!!!!!!

Mama wrapped me up all warm in my stroller with my hats, gloves and a blanket. Maryn wasn't so sure about that :)

However, Maryn decided it was much better being warm!!! It turned
out to be cold in the shade with the wind....but a gorgeous day!

Maryn and Aunt Courtney

Maryn had her own little "tailgating spot" with her toys!!!!

Chillin' with my Papa!!!!!

Maryn and the girls!!!!!!!!!!!! Roll Tide!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like we have a future Zeta!!!!!

Maryn loved the bright red cups!

Especially to teethe on!!!!

Pretty girl~ love the Crimson from head to toe!!!!!!

Cheering on the Tide with Papa!!!!

Maryn thought her gloves were soooo interesting!!!! She kept "petting" everything!

The Bama Tailgaters!!!!!

Maryn started getting REAL snuggly the later it got. Nap.....what nap????

Cuddling with Mollie!

The Connor Family
All that partying can wear a girl out!!!! Maryn was sound asleep as soon as the car started back to Birmingham!!!!

We had soooo much fun with Maryn and all of our friends. We love Alabama Crimson Tide and had a blast cheering on our team! Maryn you were so sweet and hope you had a wonderful time! We love you sooooo much!!!!!! Roll Tide Roll!!!!!


Sitting Pretty

Sweet Pea!!!!!!!