Welcome to Maryn Everett and Family

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited to share a site with our friends and family where you can watch our family grow and create wonderful memories!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Maryn's Crawling!!!

Well......Maryn is crawling!!!!!!! The pictures are at night time right before bedtime and the videos are from the afternoon when she first started crawling! She is becoming such a big girl!!!

Yea!!!!!!!! Maryn is now crawling....I can't believe it!!!!! She woke up from her afternoon nap, and I was changing her diaper on the floor. The laptop was about 6 feet away and before I knew it, little bit had flipped over and crawledover to the computer!!!!!!!!!

So proud of you Maryn!!! We can't believe you are growing soooo fast!! You amaze us every day! Love you bunches!!!!!!!!!!

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Sitting Pretty

Sweet Pea!!!!!!!