Welcome to Maryn Everett and Family

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited to share a site with our friends and family where you can watch our family grow and create wonderful memories!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Playing, Teething and Standing!!!

A little late Halloween~
We were a little late opening a Halloween card~ THANKS Aunt Jen and Uncle Burt!!!
Playing with my cousin Nora's "light wand"

My 2nd tooth has come through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am starting to like to chew on foods~ not too fond of the "fruit stars" yet, though :)

Maryn woke up from her nap today and when I walked in the room, this is what I found!!! My baby was standing in her crib!!!

She was soooo proud....and so was her Mama! What a big girl~ I love you sweetie!
The next few pics are sequential~ 1) getting ready to pull up...

2) Standing up and playing at the coffee table! WOW! I can't believe it! You are growing too fast!!!

I love you sweet baby girl! xoxo~ Mama

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Sitting Pretty

Sweet Pea!!!!!!!