Welcome to Maryn Everett and Family

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited to share a site with our friends and family where you can watch our family grow and create wonderful memories!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Maryn and Mama on their way to Kansas City!!!!

Little bit at our layover in Dallas~ what a GREAT traveler!!! Uncle Burt and Terry met us at the airport! Love you Uncle Burt!
Dena and Maryn had sooo much fun playing with the dollhouse at Aunt Lesli's!

Maryn, Gabrielle, and Madison~she loved playing with everyone!

Morgan and Donna Lou~ what a happy bunch!!!

Maryn even LOVED Sara Lee!!! She missed her puppy :)
Mr. Celery cutter!!!!!!!

Maryn and Aunt Jen having breakfast!
Maryn, Gabrielle, and Jackson
She loved playing with Gabrielle's phone :)
AND......loved playing with her tea set!
Maryn , Grand Myrle and Grandpa Dale all had tea!!!

Playing with a light up butterfly

Maryn had her first Ritz crackers and it is now one of her favorite snacks :)

Happy Birthday Aunt Jen!
Maryn and Mama reading our Thanksgiving cards!!!!
Gobble.....Gobble.... Gobble......

Maryn and her cousin Andrew (Drewby) :)
Jackson cutting his first turkey!
Thanks Gabrielle!
The crew took a little Turkey Day walk~ it was VERY chilly and Maryn did NOT want to wear her gloves! Mama did get a hat on her :)
Sweet love!!!!!

Maryn's "My First Thanksgiving" bib!

Maryn found a friend to play with!

Maryn was helping Aunt Jen unwrap her birthday gifts!

Playing with everyone!!!!! Loving on Jackson~ she had a blast with him :)

Eating some ice cream from Aunt Lesli!
Still holding on to her "golden lid"~ it was a Godiva chocolate candle lid she held onto the whole time!!!

Maryn also like to play with her earrings :)

We had such a great trip to Kansas City (Liberty), MO. We loved getting to see all of the family and Maryn loved traveling and seeing all the new places and family, too!!!!!! I love you and hope your FIRST Thanksgiving was extra special!!!!!!! xoxo, Mama

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Aunt Maggie's Visit

Aunt Maggie came in town from San Francisco and we went and ate breakfast together!
Aunt Mags

Me and my Uncle Will

Maryn LOVED her piece of toast!!!
Maryn was having a blast playing on Papa's shoulders!!! Papa~ not so much :)

We love you Aunt Maggie and are so glad you came to visit!!!! We love you!!!!!!!

Sitting Pretty

Sweet Pea!!!!!!!