Welcome to Maryn Everett and Family

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited to share a site with our friends and family where you can watch our family grow and create wonderful memories!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Alabama State Fair

We spent the afternoon at the Alabama State Fair!!!!! Maryn's first encounter with a pony! She loved it!

She even rode on it!!!!!!

What a big girl!!!!!

Then we watched the pig races!

Maryn's favorite part was the petting zoo!

That's a big tortoise on the other side of the fence!

She wasn't quite tall enough for most of the rides!

We did ride the carousel!!!

AND...she had her first funnel cake....and LOVED it!!!!!!
Next, we rode the train!
We had a such a fun time at the fair! We had one exhausted little one afterwards!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Slumber Party!

Maryn had a slumber party with her cousin, Nora. They had a blast playing together and made lots of memories!

What a fun day!!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth of July

We apent 4th of July at Grandmama and GP's house! Maryn had fun helping cousin NOra water the plants. She ended up falling in love with the "cement dog."

Friday, June 25, 2010

Maryn's BIG announcement and other various pics

Maryn says:

Helping Papa replace the washing machine!

Playing in the kiddie pool!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Beach Vacation Destin, FL

We took a family vacation to Destin, Fl where we met up with some of our extended family! We had a blast!

Sitting Pretty

Sweet Pea!!!!!!!